Hospitality for Social Justice
Welcome to Hospitality for Social Justice! Thank you so much for taking the next step in building a more equitable food and hospitality industry. We're excited to learn and grow alongside you!
HSJ Ethics of Care (15 minute read)
HSJ Guiding Principles (2 minute read)
Community Agreements and Intentions (5 minute read)
Key Terminology: Familiarize yourself with these key terms and their definitions (15 minute read)
Equity versus Equality (2 minute read)
Courageous Conversations Compass: An Overview (5 minute read)
A (very brief) Introduction to Intersectionality (5 minute read)
Power and Intersectionality (5 minute read)
Feelings Wheel (Intersectionality of Emotions) (5 minute read)
Healthy Communication: An Overview (15 minute read)
Intent versus Impact (5 minute read)
Letting Go of Barriers and Understanding Different Cultural Dimensions (10 minute read)
Liberatory Consciousness (10 minute read)
A History & Timeline: From Enslavement to Hospitality & Mass Incarceration
Black Codes - Excerpts (5 minute reading)
The Transatlantic and Domestic Slave Trade as the Foundation of America
American Policies That Upheld Enslavement
Labor, Surveillance, and Mass Incarceration
White Supremacy Culture in the Workplace (15 minute read)
Components of White Supremacy (10 minute read)
Components and Antidotes of White Supremacy Culture (15 minute read)
Anti-Racism and Equity Tools
Decolonization and Reparations
Employment and Hiring
Food Apartheid and Food Security
Food Justice and Food Sovereignty
Gentrification and Appropriation
Historical Content and Context of Racism in Hospitality
Mental Health and General Wellness
Restorative and Transformative Justice
Social Justice
Systemic and Structural Racism
Wages and Tipping
White Supremacy Culture and Whiteness
Workers Rights
Unconscious and Implicit Bias